First step Initial report
We will provide you with a complete personalized report about your site's problems and the optimisation price.
We will provide you with a complete personalized report about your site's problems and the optimisation price.
If you are dissatisfied with the performance of your website and its current Google test score, you have come to the right place. You don't have to do anything more than send us an email at with the URL of your site and the version of PrestaShop on which your site is running or fill out our form in a minute.
We will run a few tests with Google Page Speed Insight and Google Lighthouse tools. Based on the results, we will create a brief with all the problems that are reported by Google and a price offer for fixing or improving these issues in order to achieve the guaranteed 80+ score for mobile versions.
Within 24-48 hours of receiving your request, one of our project managers will contact you with a detailed report outlining all of the elements that can be improved to achieve the guaranteed score and a price offer for the optimization process.